Engaging Instruction
Our instructional lessons are designed to deliver very clear and concise instruction in an engaging video format helping students learn or refresh a concept rather quickly.
Our instructional lessons are designed to deliver very clear and concise instruction in an engaging video format helping students learn or refresh a concept rather quickly.
Our rigorously curated and continuously calibrated OER videos offer students an opportunity to learn each concept using multiple lesson videos of varying learning styles and techniques.
Students can click the Learn button at any time to launch a lesson video (i.e. on-demand lessons). ScootPad will also automatically push videos when it detects that a student is struggling with a concept (i.e. time-out lessons).
Browse our Content Library for standards-aligned lesson videos, assign them to your students, review student progress and provide feedback.
Upload your own videos, tag them with the appropriate standard, assign them to your students and optionally share them with your professional learning community.